The uterine tube of a mare.
Keywords: uterine tube, oviduct, fallopian tube, equine, mare, embryo
Image size: 4986 x 3336px
The uterine tube is also known as the fallopian tube or oviduct. Some authors maintain that the oviduct is a structure peculiar to birds, yet the term is still widely used in discussions on mammals. Those who prefer eponyms, use the term fallopian tube. The uterine tube of a mare is shown here, suspended over fingers. The image shows the ovary (O) the infundibulum (I) of the uterine tube and the long and tortuous ampulla (A). The green circle shows the location of the short and narrow ithmus and the ampullary-ithmic junction (A-Ij) buried within the mesopsalpinx . The uterus (U) lies to the left of the image.