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Friday, May 23, 2014

Severe suppurative endometritis 

Keywords: suppurative, equine, endometrium endometritis

Image size: 1350 x 896px

The red arrows show neutrophils, the predominant inflammatory cells in this histological section. The luminal epithelial cells (yellow arrows) have been largely destroyed by the inflammatory process. Green arrows point to nuclei of normal connective tissue cells in the endometrium.

In a case such as this, before the endometrial biopsy results are obtained, two endometrial cytology preparations stained with Diff-Quick (modified Wrights-Giemsa) and Grams stain, would probably be of value. The Diff-Quick stain would reveal the presence of an inflammatory process and the presence of bacteria. If bacteria are seen, a second cytology preparation can be submitted for Grams staining. An interim choice of antibiotic treatment can be made on that basis and used until culture and sensitivity results become available.