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Monday, June 30, 2014

Coital Exanthema

Keywords: EHV, herpes, equine, 3

Coital Exanthema ("spots") caused by Equine herpes virus III (EHV III). This is a vesicular, then ulcerative venereal disease. It causes genital discomfort and reluctance to breed in both sexes. In that sense, it is a cause of infertility.

As seen here, it can affect the area surrounding the genitalia as well as the genitalia themselves.  It is spread both venereally and iatrogenically but only in the acute phase, when fresh lesions are present on the genitalia. To prevent transmission, affected animals should not be allowed to breed for at least three weeks after the lesions are first seen.

Secondary infection may complicate the condition but it lesions usually heals within 14 days.

The two lower images in this collage are used with the permission Dr Charles T. Estill, College of Veterinary Medicine, Corvallis, OR 97331. Charles.Estill@oregonstate.edu. Dr Estill holds copyright to those images.